MyFleet vs The Competition

Management by Exceptions

MyFleetGPS was designed by operators of a fleet. Not someone in the computer business. Our system is designed to inform you when something is out of tolerance to which YOU have specified for your fleet and drivers.

Management by Exceptions not pieces of paper or reports.

Management by Exceptions image

At XYZ GPS Company, we have "xx" number of reports.

XYZ GPS Company image

(This requires someone to review and dissect information. This also requires additional man hours to review and decide on the course of action.)

At MyFleet, we have all of the reports that our competitors have plus some. We also have the ability to export data to Excel and Access which allows you to create custom reports. With our 126 custom parameters per vehicle and customized per driver, our system allows you the ability to create a customized system that alerts you when someone or some assets are not being used to the standards that you have set. Alerts are sent in real time as they happen.
(Our system is designed to reduce your work load; not increase it.)

Cluttered Desk image


Organized Desk image


  • More Net Profits
  • More Revenue
  • Increase Fleet Life
  • Increased Customer Satisfaction
  • Increased Employee Satisfaction